2021, The year we don’t want to jinx.
2020 caught us unaware and we let it win, in some ways or at some point. I don’t want anyone to hear me say “2021 will be my year” because I don’t want to jinx it. (I will probably whisper it in my prayers in the dark). I want to walk in quietly, slowly, and be so good. I even promised my mother that I would not to wear crocs this 2021. That’s how much I am willing to sacrifice for this year to work out.
Everyone had high hopes at the beginning of the year 2020. I am sure we all had expectations about how things would turn out. Personally, this year has been both a good and tough year and I have made up my mind that this new year, I will love myself more, do things afraid, do my best in everything and not hold back at any time, treat others better, write more and “put myself out there” like my friend Jerry always says. I have decided to forgive, be happy, and also let someone love me. I am getting tired of spending New year’s eve and Valentine’s Day alone.
We laid the best plans but we spent most of the time indoors, we hoped so many good things would happen and work in our favor. Some of them did and others did not. I don’t know much about your plans this year but I hope this year is the year you don’t just survive but the year you live intentionally despite the circumstances, the year you decide to be bold. I hope this is the year you decide to be amazing, the year you let someone love you, the year you start speaking up, the year you decide to start that business, the year you work on that project, the year you do things afraid, the year you heal from things you never discuss, the year you love, the year you forgive, the year you put yourself first, the year you fix your country and the year you choose happiness even in times of uncertainty.
Let 2020 and its issues drift away. Start anew. Let all the negativity and bad vibes of 2020 go. Plan for this new year and cloak yourself in positivity. Remind yourself everyday of what you decided on and what you promised yourself this new year even when things get tough. Do something differently this 2021. We don’t know if 2021 will be in our favor but even if it is not, we will know we did our very best