Ever wondered what you would say or do if it did not matter? If you stopped caring what others think of you? If there were no friends to look at you and raise their eyebrows? If you decided to be truthful and true to yourself, or If you decided to be brave?
Would you go ahead and do that thing you have been dying to do? Would the words you are dying to say come easily? Would you pitch that idea you've been thinking about every night? Would you go walk out of situations you've been praying for angels to save you from? Would you put your foot down and say no to the things you were scared to standing up against?
I know what I would do. I know that I would write this and not worry if it is ever read. I know I would wake up every morning and bring wildest ideas to life. I would make a difference in this world and still eat ice cream for breakfast on some Monday mornings.
Since I have decided to be brave today, I will tell you this for sure, “You have nothing to lose”. Be yourself. Let them see you and all your amazing traits. Let them see the person you have always tried to hide. You never know, they might actually like that person