If it works, let’s not fix it
“Our trust issues have been going on for so long without resolution so I decided to draw up an arrangement that would help us both. It simply states, “If it works, let’s not fix it”. We initially did not agree on this but had to find a middle ground.”
My body and I have been in constant battle. This battle has been ongoing for a while now. Honestly, I have not been listening to my body because history has shown that I cannot trust it to make good decisions where our welfare is concerned. It has embarrassed me a couple of times because it acts funny when I want it to act cool and composed. It has not even tried to cooperate all the times I have tried waking up at 5:00 am. (Mind you, this has been on my new year resolution list from the year 2019). Do not even get me started on the cravings it subjects me to when I am supposed to be saving more money, avoiding expensive food, and going on unnecessary outings. This history always makes it seem like my body is working against me, so you now know my basis when I say I do not trust it at all. We both have trust issues that we need to work through.
Our trust issues have been going on for so long without resolution so I decided to draw up an arrangement that would help us both. It simply states, “If it works, let’s not fix it”. We initially did not agree on this but had to find a middle ground. The resolution allows me to ignore my body if it works. I do not have to overthink small pains, I drink two glasses of water daily, I eat in time, I do yoga as and when my stomach starts protruding through my special grey dress and our measure of pain is on a scale of one to ten. If I am not in pain whose scale is above five, then we are all good so there is no need for alarm. My body did not agree to this resolution, but it has worked well for us till recently when I decided to “spice our relationship up” and scheduled a surprise appointment with the dentist.
If you have been to the dentist and had a great time, I want to congratulate you and remind you how lucky you are because my visit to the dentist was not funny or enjoyable at all. My body decided that this visit was the best time to throw a tantrum and express its ignored feelings. The dentist examined me and of course, I had a cavity that needed fixing. She made sure to mention that the visit was good for me because I was bound to start experiencing pain if I had not worked on it in time. I do not know whether I am being too dramatic or have an imaginative mind but after my procedure when all the drugs had worn off, I was in so much pain that I could not sleep all night. All the while, a small self-assured, and gleeful voice kept whispering in my head, “See why you need to take good care of me? If you do not, we will spend many more nights like this!”.
Do you tend to ignore pain or bodily discomfort till it is excruciating and your body can no longer take it? If you have, then you know exactly what I am describing. We always ignore what the body is trying to tell us because we all have bad relationships with our bodies. We want to wait till it is “serious”. If your body needs rest, you need to rest. Once in a while, go for an abrupt check-up. Start taking good care of your body because if you do not, the body will abruptly decide to take a break and it will not be funny. It will throw a tantrum that you might not even be able to recover from so you need to agree and treat your body with grace and respect. Listen to cues that you might not be okay. Do not wait for things to get out of hand. Do not wait to first experience pain and then go check it out. You need to always be on the lookout for small signs of bodily discomfort. You need to rest, do not wait to drop dead because of work or study. Sleep, slow down, breathe, laugh, drink water, and eat in time. The body needs it. It might not tell you immediately, but it constantly needs you to care.
Since the dentist incident, I decided to raise the white flag of peace. My body and I have agreed to work on new ways of expressing our dissatisfaction, it does not always have to throw tantrums to be heard. It simply has to remind me calmly to treat it right. I have also set my terms regarding these constant cravings it subjects me to. If we do not have money, it has no business craving expensive food. Shockingly and painfully, we have decided that eating a lot of cake and sweets is very unnecessary. I am only eating cake on special occasions and sweets have now been limited to 3 times a year. These measures seem a little bit harsh (Given my history with food, sweets, and cake) but they are necessary for me to follow if I want to keep my body healthy.
What comes to mind when you read this? Have you been ignoring some bodily discomfort or pain because it did not seem serious? Have you postponed a visit to the doctor because you think it is not necessary? This is a reminder that you need to go and set that appointment or better yet, get a check-up. Surprise your body with a date to the doctor’s, a massage, or a season of sobriety. I hope this inspires and reminds you to rebuild the relationship between you and your body.