Why you should cry on Tuesdays

Namara Patricia Christine
2 min readSep 28, 2020
Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

Do you know that person who always comes to mind when you hear the word “Strong”? Someone you are sure is so strong that little can shake them. Wouldn’t you want to be like that person so that you can face anything?

Okay, the good news is that you can be mentally strong and the bad news is that being human doesn’t mean life will always be only roses (or for my case a field of sunflowers), so it is a good thing to prepare yourself to be strong. Being strong doesn’t mean that you will be unaffected by what happens in your life. It means you will overcome whatever comes and be ready to dust yourself off and stand again.

My mother always says “You’re a big girl now, and you don’t need to cry every time something overwhelms you”. I’ve heard this so many times and she says all this with a lot of amazement and pity in her voice. I can literally hear her now in my mind saying, “This wimpy generation!”

There will come a time when you need to be strong. When you need to be a “superman”. When that day comes, trust me, you’ll want to be strong. Remember, embrace your emotions and go through them. You don’t have to be perfect and that is okay. It is really okay to be different and most of all, It is okay to cry because it doesn’t make you a weak person.

If you are wondering if I cry, Yes, I cry when things are tough and I let myself cry because I always feel stronger after. Plus, I also cry when I am happy. There! that should balance it up.

